Most people are unaware of the existence of the Sultan Agung Calendar. this calendar is based on the calculation of Sultan Agung, which to this day, is still used by the palaces of Yogyakarta and Surakarta.
In deciding on important days, staffs of Kraton Surakarta annd Kraton Yogyakarta always have to refer to the Sultan Agung calendar. The calendar is based on the calculations formulated by Sultan Agung, in finding out when important occasions in Kraton take place. These occasions were namely king coronations, and the segregation of the Mataram kingdom into Yogyakarta and Surakarta. The calendar is also used to determine the dates of routine rituals held by both palaces.
In the meantime, the starting and ending dates of the fasting month implemented in Kraton Surakarta and Yogyakarta, are also consulted from the Sultan Agung Calendar.
In deciding on important days, staffs of Kraton Surakarta annd Kraton Yogyakarta always have to refer to the Sultan Agung calendar. The calendar is based on the calculations formulated by Sultan Agung, in finding out when important occasions in Kraton take place. These occasions were namely king coronations, and the segregation of the Mataram kingdom into Yogyakarta and Surakarta. The calendar is also used to determine the dates of routine rituals held by both palaces.
In the meantime, the starting and ending dates of the fasting month implemented in Kraton Surakarta and Yogyakarta, are also consulted from the Sultan Agung Calendar.